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Cartell del còctel by Spanish Capsule™


Original Design by Cha

300ex Limited Edition

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    Limited Edition Retro Poster by Spanish Capsule™

    Impressió d'art Crema Catalana - Colors pastel dels anys 70 - Delicia de postres espanyoles

    Cartell de la Crema Catalana | Colors pastel dels anys 70 | Delicadesa espanyola ingenua

     Submergeix-te en els rics sabors d'Espanya amb la nostra Impressió d'art Crema Catalana. Aquesta captivadora peça dóna vida a l'essència d'unes estimades postres espanyoles, captades amb elegància amb un toc de paleta pastel que recorda els anys 70.

    Gaudeix dels teus sentits amb l'encant de la Crema Catalana, una delícia espanyola clàssica que és tan deliciosa com deliciosa. Els colors pastel dels anys 70 donen un toc retro a la vostra decoració, fent-lo un complement perfecte per a la vostra cuina o menjador.

    Elaborada amb una minuciosa atenció als detalls, aquesta il·lustració traspua l'esperit de la cuina espanyola. La Impressió d'Art Crema Catalana és una deliciosa oda als sabors de Catalunya, dissenyada per infondre el teu espai amb la calidesa i la dolçor d'aquestes postres icòniques.



    • Fine Art Process Impressió artística giclees de 12 colors (garantia de 100 anys o més)
    • Paper d'art mat millorat (EMA) de qualitat de museu de 200 g/m²
    • El pòster de Crema catalana està disponible en 6 mides.
    • Només cartell. Els marcs/panells es venen per separat
    • Enviament ecològic gratuït a tot el món inclòs.
    • Temps de producció: 2 dies laborables
    • Enrotllat i empaquetat en un tub de cartró per a la màxima protecció
    • Satisfacció garantida: si la impressió/embalatge es fa malbé, el pòster serà substituït.


    • No és un producte d'un sol ús: ben conservats, poden durar tota la vida
    • Sense estoc, sense malbaratament: imprès per comanda, enviat en 2 dies
    • Menys CO2 : gràcies a les instal·lacions del nostre soci als Països Baixos, el Regne Unit, els EUA i Austràlia, els nostres pòsters es fabriquen el més a prop possible del seu destí d'enviament*.

    Pòster de Catalan Cream © Cha - Spanish Capsule™, 2017-2021.
    El disseny del pòster es pot compartir en línia, però no es pot reproduir en format imprès ni en cap altre mitjà sense permís per escrit.
  • Printed in 1-3 Days

    Made on demand. No bulk production or stock

  • Worldwide Shipping

    Fast worldwide shipping from the USA, UK, EU, Canada & Australia

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed

    We quickly replace lost or damaged prints and frames

  • 7/7 Support

    We answer your messages from Monday to Sunday within 6 hours

  • Eco Printing

    Sustainable eco-printing with water-based ink on FSC-certified paper

  • Eco Packaging

    Minimal plastic, recyclable and sustainable packaging

Framing, resizing and other options

Browse our selection of custom-made custom frames, get your poster resized, printed on Dibond (Aluminium Panel)...

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What Makes Our Retro Posters Exhibition-Quality?

Every poster at is meticulously produced from the artist's master file. The dimensions of this master file consistently align with the largest size we offer, maintaining a resolution of 300 dpi. This meticulous process guarantees that each art print is a flawless reproduction, capturing the essence and detail envisioned by the artist.

Our commitment to delivering exceptional quality extends to every aspect of our process. We proudly collaborate with a leading professional British printing company, who crafts exhibition-quality FineArt 12 giclées posters on EMA paper 200gsm.

To ensure a consistent and identical standard of excellence, our printing partner operates state-of-the-art facilities in the UK, Europe, the US, Canada and Australia. This strategic approach allows us to produce our posters in close proximity to their destination, minimizing delivery times and environmental impact.

Rest assured, regardless of where your order is placed, our posters maintain the same high-quality craftsmanship and are printed using the finest materials. Our partnership ensures that you receive an exquisite piece of art, meticulously crafted for lasting beauty.

Does the poster come with a frame, or is it just the poster itself?

All our posters are limited editions and are delivered rolled, without a frame, as specified in the product description and specifications.

However, we do offer custom framing as an optional add-on. Please note that these frames are not backloaders—the poster is sealed within the frame. Shipping fees for framed posters vary depending on the destination and are calculated at checkout.

Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!

When will I receive my Retro Poster(s)?

All delivery timings are estimates and Myretroposter declines any responsibility for delays due to courier services, customs, or local distribution networks.

Please read our Shop Policies before placing your order.

Where do you ship from? Should I expect Customs Duty?

For customers in the UK, Europe, the US, Canada and Australia, our printing partner has facilities in Alton for the UK, Venlo in the Netherlands for all EU orders, Charlotte (NC) for US orders, Alberta or Vancouver for Canada and Victoria for Australia, to minimize the likelihood of customs duties. However, it's important to note that for orders outside these specified regions, customs duties, taxes, and fees may be imposed by the destination country.

Please be aware that any such charges are beyond our control and are the responsibility of the recipient. We recommend consulting your local customs office to understand the potential fees that may apply to your order.

At, we're committed to transparency and ensuring your satisfaction. While we do our best to prevent customs duties, your understanding of any applicable charges is appreciated.

Please be aware that any such charges are beyond our control and are the responsibility of the recipient. We recommend consulting your local customs office to understand the potential fees that may apply to your order.

At, we're committed to transparency and ensuring your satisfaction. While we do our best to prevent customs duties, your understanding of any applicable charges is appreciated.