🤔 Are you a good detective? 🧐
Can you guess to which other even more famous street of the world, this vintage poster winks/nods to?
🎁 Send your answer by email to Pamela @ myretroposter.com with subject "Challenge Bourbon Street" and comment “done ✅” in this thread before Sunday 23rd to qualify for this giveaway and eventually receive the limited edition n°15 of this poster at your door for free (worldwide delivery included)🎁
⛔️☢️ please don’t post your answer in the comments thread ☢️⛔️
All clues are on Bourbon Street New Orleans vintage poster. You can check it in higher resolution here
On feb. 24th, Alecse will draw the Bourbon Street New Orleans poster limited edition n°15’s winner name amongst all good answers and announce it here.
Give it a try, you have nothing to loose and you could end up with an eye-catching vintage style poster for free
You can also participate on Instagram and Facebook.
🏆 EDIT on Feb. 24th 2020 : And the winner is @aprend01 🏆
She will shortly receive the Bourbon Street Limited Edition poster nº15
The good answer was Abbey Road 😉and only 2 respondents gave it so it was pretty much on the toss of a coin! Stay tuned for the next challenge!